Got a question?
We understand there are a lot of questions when planning your hempcrete project. If you've got a question and the answer isn't here, please reach out using the contact form and one of the team will be in touch with you.
How much does GEOBIND cost?
The cost per bag is $45(NZD) +GST. Shipping costs are not included.
Geobind is cost comparative to imported binders. Current (9/25) costings show that Geobind is the same as the alternatives.
For orders over 10t we may negotiate a discount. Customers who commit to high volumes will be given a wholesale rate. Fill in the order form using the ORDER button on the header and we will be in touch.
What is the R-Value of hempcrete made from Geobind?
The R Value for in-situ / hand-placed builds will be comparable to the other binders on the market.
Expect R1 per 10cm
What are the results of fire rating tests?
Thorough testing has been done in the lab and in the workshop. Geobind hempcrete was tested for 60 minutes at 1000 degrees Celsius and showed zero smoke and zero flame spread.
How much will I need?
The ratio of hemp Hurd to binder is 1:2 by weight.
Wall thickness is dependent on geographical location, to quantify volume 100kg of NZ hemp Hurd will equate to 1m3 with a 10% tolerance.
The mix ratio for 1m3
100kg Construction grade hemp Hurd
200kg Geobind Hemp binder
300 litres of water. plus adjustment
Where can I buy my hemp hurd?
In New Zealand, try New Zealand Natural Fibres or Hemp Central and Venture Taranaki have a processing line starting 2025.
How much will shipping cost?
We recommend that you get a few quotes and choose your favourite. Once you've chosen a carrier, we will work with you to arrange for your goods to be picked up.
This is a new binder, will my Council approve the plans?
Plans using our binder have been accepted by New Zealand Councils with 100% success rate. If you'd like to engage a specialist to help you with your local Council, please let us know and we'll be happy to make an introduction.
This is a magnesium based, 100% mineral binder. Will it perform the same as lime binders?
Yes, or better. Through extensive testing we have proven that Geobind performance is either better or the same on all metrics, as lime-based binders
The Dolomite mineral that makes Magnesium Oxide is lime that has under gone a metamorphic change. It's also less caustic, so the installer only requires standard PPE.
Can we make bricks, blocks and panels with Geobind?
Yes! Geobind hempcrete is faster, stronger, thinner and safer than hempcrete made with other binders. This makes it a great fit for the development of prefabricated materials. It's also durable and has excellent compressive strength, so if you want to make transportable homes, you should definitely reach out to us for a one on one call with Doug.